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Ramblings From The Edge of Despair

Over-Drawn contributors provide a window into the minds of Over-Drawn's founding members.



A song by Lil 6


As I was groping in the darkness,

tryin' to find my way,

a fare few who crossed me,

learned to rue the day.


So to you who in my blindness,

I brought pain or hate,

only thing I can think to say

is to tell who I am today


An' I hope when you see me,

in whatever place I be,

you can open your heart,

an' see the same love I can see,

so that one day you at last

can set your soul freeeee...


For if one who was so wretched,

nuf to do the things I done,

can find the freedom of gods love,

so can anyone....


So come now let us leave behind

the monsters we were forced to be,

so we can build a future

where all can proudly sing 'we're free!'

Table of Contents:
1: Amends
A song by Lil 6
2: Poor People Shouldn't have dogs
An Essay by Fred Silsby
6:The Lovers
A Poem by Lil 6
8-9 If God Had Not Love
A Poem and illustration by Lil 6
10 One Simple Machine
A Poem by Lil 6
13 Admiration's Sight
A Poem by Lil 6
 - All Hail, Brave Dog
A Poem by Fred Silsby
15 A Dream's Endurance
A Poem and illustration by Lil 6
16 Skool
A Poem by Lil 6

Poetry, Essays, Short Stories,

Illustrations and a song examining

the greatest contradictions in our world.

All Hail Brave Dog

By Fred Slisby​


In the night, a daemon comes

to worry the weary dog

Having raised a din within,

the hound lies down again.

The Spirit recedes into the mist,

leaving the Master rattled.

Yet he is settled, having confirmed

that the Dog can prove its mettle.


All the green earth over,

the soldiers of fur and fang,

Watch the dark,

ready to bark.

At the appearance of a shade.

Thus they keep our homes secure

by knowing what we cannot.

© 2025 by OVER-DRAWN.

OVER-DRAWN is a start-up NGO - artist collective.

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